Saturday, September 3, 2011

Eid at last

Holly molly, is it finally time to eat Eid? August was a one long month of seclusion while the Muslims fasted and the non-Muslims took their food and liquids in public bathrooms and behind closed doors. Such is life in Dubai during Ramadan.

I always wondered how does this country manage to sustain itself when it virtually shuts down for a whole month? I tried to renew my car registration last week and realized that the department of transport in Abu Dhabi doesn't even stay open long enough for me to make it down there from Dubai. Then I imagined how there is probably just one person left on duty and a line wrapping around the building. That person is angry to be the only one made to work and is taking an hour-long break every 15 minutes. So by my calculations if I camped out in the parking lot every night I could maybe get my car registered in a week. But then there was the danger of not making it before everyone left on a 5-day holiday. I decided to instead pay a fine for late registration and postpone my needs until the country becomes normal again.

The other day I came down to our pool and noticed a family of about 8 splashing around, kids screaming along with their mother in her burkini and several grown-up men chasing each other in a kiddy pool. Now this was around 10 at night, the time when most kids in the States are sound asleep, but time has a different meaning here in Dubai. Not to mention that I've never seen these guys here before, but I figured they must be a new family in the building.

Then more people started coming, a line formed around the tennis court and those waiting for their turn started jumping into the pool in their underwear. Gross! Apparently our building security also had a 5-day holiday so there was no one on duty and the entire neighborhood got a free pass. I sat on the edge of the pool waiting for some space to clear out so I could do a few laps, but thirty minutes later a strange looking film appeared on the surface of the water. I gave up and went back home, making a mental note to keep my mouth closed next time I get to swim.

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